Monday, March 30, 2015

Goodbye classes!

Wow, can't believe it's already been over a week since I posted last! In that post I was talking about our big practical exam (the OSCE) so I'll go through that first.

We basically had what felt like a scavenger hunt all over OVC. I started in the computer lab doing a multiple choice exam which was a good station to start at because it gave me a few minutes to wake up and get my brain working. Then I changed into my large animal gear and went over to the barn for 7 stations involving horses, cows, sheep, and various bits of info about nutrition, infection control and history/medical records taking. My animals were all (thankfully) cooperative and although the 5 min per station time limit was a little stressful, I survived. Then I had 5 mins to run back to the main building - literally run, in steel-toed boots and coveralls...not the most ideal - and change into my lab coat to start the small animal portion. We had similar stations as the large animal part, just substituting the barn animals for the sweet little teaching beagles :) much more within my comfort zone. Next thing I knew, the 3 hours were up and we were done! Obviously people lost their minds like some people always do during exams (see my rant post from a few weeks ago, I'll spare you my sass in this one), but I felt confident and it was really a moment of "wow, I've learned so much this year". Before September I knew next to nothing about large animals!

That weekend the University of Guelph hosted College Royal, an agricultural fair. The only thing I cared about was the barn because they brought in a bunch of animals - donkeys, bunnies, goats, and mini horses (!!!) to name a few. Matt and I went to check it out for a bit and now I think I need to have a donkey in the future - along with my multiple dogs and potential horse - yes, I have a problem.

Other than classes, nothing much exciting has happened in the past week or so. I went home this past weekend because we had a long one, I got to catch up with my family and friends and also got to go to Matt's improv comedy show - finally, I've had to miss the last few because I've been in a different city!

Matt on the left doing "jazzercise"...improvisation at its finest!
Got to spend some time with this cutie :)

Today was exciting because we officially finished classes!!!!!!! About time, as I mentioned before I was going crazy sitting in class for the past month. Time to get into the exam zone - we have a small test tomorrow and then 4 exams starting a week from now. Bring on the coffee!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Short and sweet

Hi! I don't have much to post right now but I'm kind of procrastinating soo why not?

We just had a 4 day weekend so getting up for class this morning was pretty brutal. Not that I slept all weekend or anything - Friday and Monday were packed with 2 hours of barn practice, shifts at the teaching hospital on campus, and library studying in between. I love productive days :) I feel pretty confident in my large animal handling skills at this point, which is good because we have that big exam on Friday morning.
Ready to examine these cuties!

I made these study guides for all the animals we have to know....yeah, I have no life

I had a nice visit with my best friend Ashley from back home on Sunday, we went out for lunch and had some good catch up talks - mostly about makeup! I don't get to go all out during school because I'm not trying to impress anyone in class, but one of my favourite past times is watching youtube beauty vloggers and then going out and buying way too much makeup...little additional fact about me there! But anyway Ashley is the same way, so it's just another reason why we're best friends :)

Other than studying for that big practical exam on Friday and our pathology test the day before..what am I saying, I'm not doing anything other than that! Today is St Patty's and its the first one in a few years that I haven't been out celebrating - it feels weird, but at the same time that's the sacrifice I have to make now. We'll more than make up for it when finals are over ;)

I think that's it for this little update, I'll talk to you all when I'm another 2 exams down!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Thought I'd separate this post from my last one to avoid it being super long!

I'm just stopping in for a quick update because I won't have time later in the weekend - another Monday morning midterm to study for!

This week we crossed another 2 tests off our to-do list, genetics and pathology. So needless to say, I don't have much exciting to report on. We had a review lab for our big (60%) physical exam evaluation we have in 2 weeks. I'm feeling much more comfortable with examining dogs, cows, horses and sheep :)

Class this week was brutal. Every year during this time I slowly start skipping non-essential classes because it's torture sitting there when you're thinking about all the studying you have to do! But don't worry, I'll only skip very few courses otherwise I'll feel guilty. Only 3 weeks of class left!!

Matt is visiting tomorrow and we're gonna go out for dinner and then watch some House of Cards (obsessssed). So tonight and sunday are gonna be full of studying. Thankfully Monday's test isn't a huge one and its all multiple choice soooo when in doubt, guess! (wonderful advice I know ;))

Daisy is going back to London with matt on Sunday :( I need to start getting into serious study mode and I cant do that at home, and I cant leave her home alone alllll day while I'm in the library. I'll miss cuddling with her in bed and having someone to wake me up in the morning (I can't hit snooze on a dog that needs to pee!) but I think she's getting a bit lonely because she's used to living in a family of 4 and now it's just me and her. I'll have to keep reminding my parents to brush her teeth and make sure they're following her diet - vet student problems!

Anyway I'll stop procrastinating now and get back to work - talk to you all when I'm another exam closer to the end :)
One of my last winter walks with my girl

What's left - I keep this on my desktop so I can cross things off; so satisfying! :)

Rant/Sassy Comments/Life Lessons

Attention ladies and gentleman - this will be my first rant blog! Kinda surprised I haven't had one until now, considering some of the people that drive me crazy at school hahaha

So. It's obviously a stressful time of year, especially for us first years since we're getting ready to go into our first year of crazy finals. But some people are driving me absolutely nuts with their pessimism.

Do I complain about some pointless/confusing stuff that we learn in class? Yes.
Do I complain about less-than-ideal lecturing styles? Yes.
Do I skip some classes because of this? Yes (but only recently - that end of semester trend, oops!)

But there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I want to be here and that I can handle it.

I've heard so many people complaining about the amount of work we have to do. Yes, we have 14 more assessments to go until the end of the year (eek!). But starting on March 30th we're done classes and we can set up camp in the library. I came from a university (not Guelph) that had next to no animal-specific courses. I've never learned any animal anatomy and anything clinical has come from my vet-related work and volunteering experiences. After applying twice to OVC and just narrowly getting in the second time, I'll admit I was a bit worried that I would come into this with no relevant background education and lower intelligence than the majority of the class. But instead I've shown myself that I have it within me to do this. I've learned all of anatomy from scratch and it's one of my favourite courses. It's actually amazing the amount of material we have learned, and my friends and family back home have even noticed it.

There are days where I wonder why I'm learning about how to critique journal articles, but then I go to the barn and learn how to do a physical exam on a horse and I remember why I'm here. OVC has a 97% NAVLE (vet licensing exam) pass rate and the curriculum wouldn't still exist if it wasn't successful. We just have to get past first year, which is known for teaching all of those sometimes boring but also essential things - cardiology, neurology, anatomy, genetics...

As for exam stress, I understand that there are people with learning/test-taking issues as well as mental health concerns and that is fine. It's the people that complain 24/7 and honestly don't seem to want to be here that bother me. Go home.

If I've learned one life lesson during my almost 7 months here, it's that professional programs are only successful if you have that internal desire to learn. I have friends in master's programs that have told me you'll hate your life if you're not researching something you're interested in, and I can definitely understand that now.

I hate girls that live by quotes (live your own lives instead of by someone else's words), but the only quote that I love is "dreams don't work unless you do". Sit down, shut up, and study.

I've had times in undergrad where I felt 100x more stressed than I am now, because back then it was all about getting the marks to get into vet school. I can't let myself not do well now (hello Type A personality), but there's much less pressure. I'm just going to live in the library and study the way I have been all year - taking it one test at a time and savouring those moments that make me realize I'm actually on my way to becoming what I've wanted to be for as long as I can remember.

14 more tests until I'm 25% of a vet!

The tattoo I got when I got into vet school :)