Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Crunch time!

Just chillin'
Hey everyone! Long time no post, but last week was reading week so I didn't have much of an update. The only fun thing we did in the last week before break was a sheep handling lab. We got to practice exams on some adorable fluffy lambs, and also did "sheep tipping" - a restraint technique that relaxes the sheep while looking hilarious. We can't take pictures of teaching animals so I took one from Google because they look too funny not to share!

cutie pie
My week off was great but went way too fast, of course. I spent lots of time with friends, slept in almost every day, worked a few shifts (hello much needed money!) and took advantage of having Matt back in the same city as me. There was a girl's night complete with pajamas and wine, a get together to meet another friend's new puppy (they also have a cat - a vet student's perfect situation), and a joint birthday party for a few people with February birthdays (myself included). It was a much needed week to unwind although I did go to the library once, because I had a list of things to do that I had been putting off until the break.

some of my London best friends :)

The ride back to Guelph with my handsome fiancé..

Last night was spring fling, a formal social event that was put together for our class. It was nice to dress up and see everyone out of their usual sweatpants and hoodies :)

This Saturday are the mock MMIs which I'm helping out with - after 2 years of interviewing for OVC I'm ready to be on the other side of the table and scare some potential students (just kidding...........not really though, I have a really good resting bitch face ;) )

Other than that, I'm going to be studying for the foreseeable future because we have 15 tests/quizzes/exams in the next 8 weeks. 2/week doesn't sound bad, but it's the fact that there's no more breaks that makes it a little overwhelming. Good thing I have a healthy stash of coffee in my kitchen!

That's all for now, my next few posts will probably consist of "hi I'm studying, bye" - can't wait to be able to post "IM DONE FIRST YEAR!"

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The craziness continues!

Hey everyone, I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since I've posted! Clearly life has been busy as we're heading into the last part of the semester (that's crazy to think about). Highlights of the past little while:

Post mortem lab: Like a scene our of dexter, we all got blood-covered in a stainless steel room while we learned how to do necropsies. Best morning ever! It was awesome to see fresh specimens and how the tissues and organs look and feel different from the preserved ones we have in anatomy lab. It got pretty gruesome but of course that's right up my alley :)

Ok maybe it wasn't this bloody, but still!


Birthday photoshoot
Birthday: I turned 24 last week (eek!), Matt came down the weekend before my birthday and we went out to celebrate and then I had to spend the whole next day recovering...proof that I'm getting old. My mom was not impressed to have me away from home for my birthday for the first time ever, so I'm getting cupcakes when I go home for reading week in a few days :) To make it an even better day, my actual birthday ended up being a snow day because Guelph got hit with a ton of snow, so I didn't have to sit through class all day!

Ambrosia: My adorable animal facility beagle has been doing better with her walks and even sat before we went out the door without me having to ask or hold up a treat - little things are so exciting when you're in the training process! It's super rewarding and I hope she finds an awesome home once the school year is done.

Friends and Family day: Matt hadn't visited OVC yet because he couldn't make it to my welcoming ceremony back in September, so he was my guest yesterday and got to experience a day in the life of a phase 1 vet student. There were some awesome lectures from some of my favourite profs, a demonstration of the cow's digestive system using a live animal, and a video of kidney worms being removed from a poor dog's body (so gross but so cool). Everyone's friends and family seemed to have a great time, and it was a nice day despite the fact that we have an exam tomorrow. I figured family and friends (fiancĂ© in this case) are more important than studying for a day, so I took the whole day off. We went out for dinner at a BBQ place and then spent the night relaxing with wine and Netflix (best combo).

Today was spent studying for tomorrow's cardiology and endocrine test, and then we're test-free until March - but of course that doesn't mean I still don't have a ton to do. We get next week off so I'm going back home to London to relax, but also to work a few shifts at my research job, see my friends and family, and of course go to the library to get prepared for the last few months and maaany exams!

I'm at the point now where I really just want final exams. No I'm not going crazy, finals are always better than midterms because although they're way heavier and worth a lotttt, we don't have classes during April so I can dedicate all my time to studying. Class has been a bit monotonous and overwhelming lately, so I'm ready for reading week to recharge and then come back for a month or so of class before the real craziness begins!

I probably won't post again until the break is over because this week of school is pretty uneventful, so I'll talk to you all in a little while! :)