Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bye bye, orientation!

*yawn* orientation is (finally) overrrr! I'll spare you all the details of listening to a bunch of intro talks and meeting what felt like 728529 people and just post some highlights of the past 3 days.


  • Our 8:30 am start time was improved with our official class of 2018 name tags - who knew something so simple could be so exciting??
  • After a tour of OVC that went completely over my head, our directional skills were tested with a selfie scavenger hunt which led us on a sprint outside in the pouuuring rain. It was surprisingly refreshing and to be honest it was the most exercise I've had since I've moved to Guelph ;)
  • We met our practice groups of 10ish people on Monday night, but Tuesday night there was an entire class meet and greet at the Albion Hotel in downtown Guelph. Here I added a million more names to the already confusing list in my head, but it was good to see my classmates outside of school.
  • So professional!
    The maze that is OVC
    Class of 2018!

Practice Group 9 :)

  • We got the results of our Myers-Briggs personality tests back; not saying they're always 100% accurate but my result was ESTJ (extroverted, sensing, thinking, judging) which basically means I hate incompetent people, I value common sense and I like schedules. Ummm story of my life!
  • Merch sale! I dropped $300 on steel toes boots, coveralls, scrubs, and lab coats. Now I'm all ready to get covered in poop :)
  • Since I had just spent money, why not continue the trend? I had to give in to the OVC hoodie, tshirt and lanyard that they were selling at the bookstore. I've waited my whole life to show off this stuff!

  • Mascot voting - we are the 2018 Ivory Owls!!!! The top 3 choices were foxes, wolves, and owls. I was torn between foxes (so cute) and owls but I voted for owls partially because of Harry Potter (no shame) and I figured they re a unique mascot  while wolves have been so over done. Some people didn't think owls were fierce enough, but um....

Now that orientation is done, we start classes tomorrow with a lovely 8:30 am - 4:30 pm first day! I'm ready to get into it though, I'm not the type of person that worries about making friends in university. I'll meet more people as I go, but that isn't my priority (cue Drake - no new friends). Library and coffee, I'll be seeing you soon!

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