Thursday, December 17, 2015

Hands-on Learning and FREEDOM!

Helloooo lovely people,

Let me just take a deep breath before this post because it's going to be a long one. The past 2 weeks have been some of the busiest and most hands-on weeks I've had so far in vet school.

Surgery ward shadowing:
I completed my week of no sleep aka shadowing week! I got to follow a 4th year around during her rotation in the small animal surgery wards doing pre and post op treatments on patients. Due to confidentiality I can't explain exactly what I saw, but some of the reasons that our patients were at the hospital were: amputations, mammary tumors, septic peritonitis (2 different cases), and ectopic ureters. Although as Phase II students we aren't ready to be able to give medications yet, I got to practice plenty of physical exam skills (I'm now a pro at taking a rectal temp on a grumpy cat) as well as giving fluids, calculating drug doses, taking blood pressure, and getting to cuddle with dogs as I heated or iced their surgical sites. I also gained the title of magician because I was able to coax all of our not-so-hungry dogs to eat. It was a tiring week because I had to be there before class (started at 6:45 most mornings) and then from 7 pm til 9ish for evening treatments. But it was so worth it, I learned so much and my student was great - she taught me tricks about things here and there and gave me "homework" to prepare for the types of questions I will get asked during 4th year rounds. I'm super glad that this week was mandatory for our Clinical Medicine course, and seeing our patients go home to their owners was so rewarding.

My new stethoscope served me well :)

We had a week of useful labs that it made it seem like we are actually learning real-life things! Class can obviously get a little monotonous. First we had a small mammal handling lab, aka bunnies (love) and rats (ew, sorry to the rat-lovers out there). I've had a little bit of rabbit experience at the clinic I volunteer at, but there were lots of people in my class who were shocked at their crazy fast heart rates (250-350 bpm - our prof described it as "if it's too fast to count that's a good thing). Next we had a surgery lab where we got to remove "tumors" (sponges) from cadavers and learn how to properly suture them up, depending on the incision size and shape. Finally there was an anesthesia lab where we got to practice intubation and catheter placement on simulation models. Yay for practical labs!!

The rabbits looked like this and they were the softest things ever <3

Intubation models because we're not quite ready for the real thing yet ;)

After that whirlwind of a week we had 3 back to back finals - Pharm/Anesthesia (trickiest one so far and it covered a TON of lectures which was annoying), Art of Vet Med (basically ethics and communication...needless to say I didn't study much for that one), and today we had Radiology which went better than expected and I'm slowly getting more confident in my ability to actually see things on radiographs.

My view in the library all day yesterday

And now I'm free for 2ish weeks! We're celebrating tonight and then I'm heading home tomorrow to see DAISY (and my friends and family...)! My girlfriends and I are going to a Christmas party on Saturday and then Matt and I are exchanging gifts and hanging out on Sunday and Monday because I havent seen him in 3 weeks!

Vet school work never ends and there are a few things I want to get done over the break, but the majority of my time will be spent sleeping and eating. Time to catch up on all of that lost sleep :)

Bye for now and Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like ....exams

Happy December! Instead of reflecting on how ridiculously fast this year is going, let's focus on what's been going on lately :)

Tests: Since my last post we've written another 3 tests - this Monday coming up will be the 6th straight Monday that we've had a test. As tiring as it is, it's always pretty amazing to think of how much we are learning and how quickly we've adapted to the schedule of vet school. Fellow vet students, give yourselves a pat on the back! And then maybe have a nap ;)

My study distraction - that face! :)

SCVMA conference: OVC is hosting a vet student conference this year and since it rotates through the Canadian vet schools, it won't be back here until after I graduate. So of course I had to register! I was lucky (and quick) enough to get registered for pretty much all of the labs, lectures, and tours that I wanted so I'm excited for that weekend in January :)

The events I signed up for :)

Quick visit home: I went home with Daisy this past weekend and was only home for about 24h but in that time I squeezed in Matt's work Christmas party, some fishbowls at Boston Pizza when we decided we didn't want to pay so much for drinks at the party, catching up with my family, and seeing my 2 best friends - all while "studying" for neurology here and there. Needless to say that was the trickiest test of the year so far, but the weekend was worth it! Daisy is sadly back in London now, and although I miss her snoring in my bed at night and making me go for walks, I'm taking advantage of the extra freedom to spend more time in the library.

Awesome breakfast this weekend with a disgusting Movember addition - thank god it's December now!

Therio shadowing: I'm part of the Theriogenology club (fancy word for reproduction) and they set up a program where we can shadow OVC's small animal therio specialist. We actually have an entire Therio course this year, but so far all we've done is large animals so I was excited to see some dogs and cats - I was hoping for puppies but instead we had a female dog (yes, the proper term is bitch) who was going to be bred later in the week. We checked the stage of her reproductive cycle using a vaginal scope (which I got to place), and followed up with a swab to check the cells and an ultrasound. It was great to see some real-life applications of what we learned in class and I'll definitely sign up for more shifts in the future - hopefully one of which includes a C-section!

I wanted this.. (picture from Google)

..but I got this (picture from Google)

I think that's about it for now, time is flying by lately and in exactly 2 weeks I'll be home for Christmas break! Good luck to everyone with upcoming exams - start chugging that coffee!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Sleep is a wonderful thing :)

Hello from a girl who just had 11 hours of sleep!!! *cue party music*

I can't even remember the last time that happened, but damn was it necessary last night. The month of November has been crazy since we have tests at 8am every Monday, and the past week made it even more tiring because we had a really long week of classes. Leaving lecture at 5:30 when it's already dark out is pretty depressing. On top of that, I don't think a lot of people realize how much work it is to have a dog at home. I get up earlier than usual to feed and walk her, come home for most lunch breaks to let her out, and then after all day of being alone she needs a good walk when I get home at the end of the day (when all I want to do is eat dinner and nap). Of course she's 10000% worth it, but it's an extra thing to add to my to-do list and gets exhausting during exam time! So needless today, I went to bed last night with every intention of really sleeping in - ignoring the fact that we have 2 test this Monday..

Last weekend was the Royal Winter Fair where I got to bask in the beauty of soo many horses. I'm a small animal person and will probably never work with horses in the future, but I've always loooved them. Lots of adorable cows were there too, and the highlight was the little petting zoo area they had set up with hilarious goats, alpacas, and sheep. My list of future pets is forever growing :) Matt and I hung out afterwards and then Sunday was spent cramming for Monday's virology test (which wasn't exactly my priority since it was only worth 3.5%).


Daisy's boyfriend
Last night (I'm surprised I stayed awake) a bunch of people from my class went to see the new Hunger Games movie which was soo good! I read the books a few years back and wasn't that into them, but the movies are awesome. It's probably the first series that I can say I like the movies better than the books.

Other than crazy hours of class and test after test, there isn't much else going on in school lately. I got my simulated client interview over with this week' the ones that we do to mimic real appointments and that get recorded so that we can watch them back and critique ourselves - eww. It went pretty good though and they definitely get a bit less awkward every time we do them.

I'm going to London next weekend because Matt has a work Christmas party that I'm invited to, and then I'm gonna catch up with my friends and family for a few days since I haven't been home since thanksgiving. Of course we have a test the following Monday so I'll have to manage my time as always, but I'm getting pretty good at that now!

I think Daisy will be staying at home when I come back to Guelph :( I have a week in December where I will be shadowing a 4th year student in small animal surgery (so excited!) so that means I'll be at school for super long hours and may not get the chance to come home during the day. Then finals start the week after, so it'll be best for Daisy to hang out with my family until I go home for Christmas break. Time is going so quickly! Speaking of that, I should probably get back to studying. Bye for now :)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Same old schedule

I'm procrastinating grocery shopping right now, so why not post an update? :)

Not much has happened lately, our class schedule has been pretty repetitive and boring to be honest. I've been going a little crazy sitting in lecture lately and I think it's because out of all of the classes that I like, we seem to have the most hours of the classes I don't like. Yawn.

Halloween was a blast though, it was a great night to hang out with everyone outside of school and I had way too much fun just doing my makeup. Now that November has started, it's back to the library (where I am right now) because of those damn Monday exams.

Galaxies, demon child, kim possible, and cleopatra :)

Skeleton pirate and cleopatra after the party - I'm surprised our makeup lasted through all the sweat!

Right now I'm studying for our surgery course, which is actually enjoyable since we're learning things that will actually be relevant to our life in practice. We had another surgery lab yesterday and got to practice more scrubbing, gowning, gloving, and "patient" prep/draping (a piece of fake skin wrapped in furry fabric made to look like an animal). Everything is coming together and our next lab will involve all of the steps of patient and surgeon prep from start to finish :) 

Next weekend is the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, an agricultural show with various horse shows and other events. Matt is coming down and will join my friends and I for some animal watching , so that'll be a nice study break.

Other than that I've just been studying and hanging out with Daisy - hopefully my next post will be more exciting!

Sleeping with her lover aka Matt (Daisy is a traitor)

cutest ever <3

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rain, rain and more rain - and Daisy!

Greetings from the depressing city of Guelph where it rains 24/7 and sunshine does not exist! Can you tell I love rain???

When it's not raining here, it looks like this :)

Moving on - hi everyone! I thought I'd take a few mins during this annoying week to update you all on my life. The week after I got back from Thanksgiving was a great 3 day week; I finally did the real cow palpation lab and it was much more poop filled than I expected. At 8:30 in the morning. YUM. Hahah but now I can say I've done it, even though I plan on being a small animal vet which thankfully only requires a gloved finger, not an entire arm!
Also that week one of my friends from class invited me to a gala in Toronto for OVC's Pet Trust. Pet Trust is a group within OVC that raises money to build new research and diagnostic facilities to better help people's pets. It was amazing to see the generous donations the guests gave (while we sat there like the poor students we are), and to see the power that pets have to bring so many people together. There was a delicious meal, wine (!!), some famous Canadian faces (Ben Mulroney and Meagan Markle from Suits), and overall it was great to dress up and see what OVC does behind the scenes. They ended up raising half a million dollars!

Such a pretty set up :)

On the "green carpet" - of course I was mid sentence

The following weekend was spent studying for our first POD (principles of disease) test; the class that every second year dreads. I survived the first test and actually felt like I had learned a lot. Having awesome professors makes all the difference!
This past weekend Matt visited (and brought Daisy!) and we had the ultimate lazy night filled with takeout from the Mandarin, wine (do you see a theme here?), and lots of pointless YouTube videos. Sometimes you just need to do zero homework/studying to stay sane :) This month classes have been really boring and we've had a bunch of group assignments (barf). I'd much rather study for an exam than work on an assignment.

My girl and my adorable new canvas 

This weekend is Halloween and I'm being Cleopatra so I'm pretty pumped to do some awesome makeup! We have a test every monday in November so this will be my last weekend to have some fun for awhile :)
I think that's it for now! Thanks for reading :)
- oh one more thing, I've checked my blog stats lately and have seen some readers from Europe and India! So cool! If you're reading this and you're from another country (or even if you're from Canada), comment below on how you came across my blog :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A little overdue update

How has it been 3 weeks since my last post?? That basically describes how second year is going - sooo quickly!


- IMATS/Toronto: my friends and I had a great girls weekend and took advantage of the amazing makeup sales at the show - I won't need to buy anything for a looong time now.

Best friends since elementary school :)

While everyone else in TO was at the Jays game, we were here :)

- Cow palp: the lineup at the palpation lab was so long that I only got to try out the simulation model, but it had a real uterus in it so it was pretty close to the real thing. I didn't expect the ovaries of a 1500 pound animal to be so small! Tomorrow is the next lab so I'll be able to actually put my arm up there - the things that vet students get excited about :)

- Classes in general have been much better this year, I've really taken a liking to hematology because I find it amazing how we can look at a blood sample and uncover so much of what is going on inside the animal's body. We've gotten the chance to perfect our blood smearing techniques and also got to practice tissue sampling last week. Yay for learning clinical things!

- Shadowing opportunities: this year we have a mandatory week of shadowing a 4th year student on rotation. Mine isn't til December but I'll be doing it in small animal surgery and I'm so excited! it'll be a great chance to see what I'll be doing in 2 years (that is also a terrifying thought). The surgery club that I am a part of has also set up shifts for the small animal emergency team, where we're "on call" for a shift and if there is an emergency surgery we will get called in to observe.

- Asepsis lab: we had our first surgery lab last week and after practicing a full surgical scrub, I have never had cleaner hands (perfect for a germaphobe!). We learned scrubbing, opening surgical packs, gloving and gowning - sounds simple enough, but it is quite a process when you have to keep all the rules of sterility in mind.

Feeling like vets!

- Tests: we've already gotten 2 (very small) ones out of the way, so I'm finally getting back into the studying routine. Coffee coffee coffee!

This past weekend was (Canadian) thanksgiving so I got to go home and spend time with my family, Matt's family, and my friends. It was a nice few days of relaxation before getting back into school mode. Daisy is unfortunately still in London, she is doing much much better after her kidney infection has gone away but she is still showing some signs of her ongoing kidney inflammation (nephritis) - peeing in her bed occasionally is the one that I'm most concerned about, especially because she sleeps in my bed when she's here in Guelph with me. We have her on the vet prescription kidney diet now and once things are under control hopefully she'll come down. I miss her a lot and I don't like to have my parents take care of her every day but it's what's best for her health and my stress levels right now. (Thanks mom and dad, if you're reading this!)

Looking pretty good for everything she's been through! <3


Today is Tuesday and we got the day off, so I'm looking forward to a 3 day week! I'm supposed to be spending today catching up on homework though, so I'm gonna end this here. Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Stethoscopes and Sutures

Decided to post a quick update tonight so that I don't have to read over my notes - 2 weeks in and I'm already procrastinating, oops!

Since my last post we've been really getting into classes (today was a 9 hour day - the worst ones!) and labs and I'm getting slightly better at waking up early. Notable events:

- Group 9 dinner: my wonderful practice group went out for dinner and trivia as a little "welcome back" get together. We all realized why we are vet students and not history/music/art/geography majors - who knows anything about how many trombones lead a marching band?? I can't even remember the answer because our guess was so far off.

- Primary Healthcare Center (PHC) shifts: These shadowing/observation shifts in the animal hospital on campus have started up again, and although a lot of them are pretty slow, getting to watch an appointment with an adorable dog is always a highlight of my day :) hopefully I get to see more rehabilitation appointments this year because I wasn't that lucky with my shifts last year.

- Yesterday we had a physical examination review lab so we were able to realize how much we forgot over the summer....but I got to test out my new stethoscope and was very impressed :) plus getting licked by adorable cows is always a plus ;)

My new Littmann Cardiology III - with rainbow chestpiece <3

- We started this morning with a post mortem lab, bright and early at 830 am. Again, I realized how much anatomy I have forgotten (questions like "is this the left side of the heart or the right?" "what is this lymph node called again?" were very common), but any excuse to dissect dead things is satisfying to my inner sicko. To quote my fiance, "you're gross as fuck" - confirmed :)

- Tonight I finally practiced some sutures on my DASIE - it took me way longer than expected and I didn't have much suture so I couldn't keep trying, but they don't look too bad. Our surgery course will definitely be a work in process over this coming year.
Baby steps!

I spent the past weekend trying to "get ahead" (nearly impossible in vet school) because I have a busy weekend coming up which will consist of zero homework. Thankfully my new apartment is within walking distance of downtown and some good coffee spots :)

On Friday my best friend (who just got home from Halifax after 5 years of school) and I are going to stay with our 3rd best friend (who is in chiropractic school in Toronto). We're going to IMATS in TO on Saturday (a makeup vendor/trade show, I think I've mentioned my makeup obsession on here before). I'm excited for lots of girl time and shopping :) Then on Sunday Matt is finally coming down - I haven't seen him since he moved me in, and 3 weeks is a long time after a summer of living in the same city! .

I'm going to go get ready for bed now - it's 10:15, I'm a senior. We have another 8:30 start tomorrow and although I'm getting used to the routine again, 7 am wakeups are always painful. Goodnight!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Let Phase 2 begin!

Hey everyone!

Wow I've only been back in Guelph for a week and it's already been crazy busy. Last Sunday Matt helped me move in, and after a stressful day of unpacking and having to rush out to buy a new mattress because mine didn't fit through my door (insert angry face here), we relaxed with Domino's pizza and wine. I'm so lucky to have such a supportive fiance :)

I spent all of labour day cleaning and unpacking so that the chaos in my apartment would disappear, it was super satisfying. Classes started on Tuesday and after 2 days of boring intro classes, we've started to get into actual material.

Things I'm excited about this year:

PALPATION! aka "put your arm up this cow's butt" - something I've been waiting for since I got into vet school (yes I'm a sicko). The palpations are optional for students that are planning on going into small animal medicine (me), but I'm obviously going to do it!

So thaaaat's what those long gloves are for ;)

A general focus on the more clinical aspects of things - first year was a lot of foundation-based courses, while everything this year is emphasizing how to build on those foundations and apply them to "real life".

Surgery course - finally doing real "vet things"! We are going to be learning aseptic technique, gowning and gloving, suturing, knot tying, and combining all of those together to do a "spay" on our suture models which are called DASIEs (Dog Abdominal Surrogate for Instructional Exercises). Can't wait to start practicing!

A DASIE "patient" complete with intestines

Speaking of Daisies, mine isn't here yet :( She's been doing well after her infection but my vet has been concerned with the high protein content of her urine (proteinuria) throughout the last 2 weeks. The blood and bacteria in her pee disappeared after the antibiotics, but the protein remained and he wants to make sure something else isn't wrong with her kidneys. She's having a renal ultrasound this week; at this point I just want her as healthy as she can be so she can come to Guelph :) If it ends up being something more seriously wrong with her kidneys at least we can catch it early and treat/prevent further damage. Poor girl, I just want her here to snuggle with - my bed is a lonely place right now!

I think that's it for now, I'm still getting used to the routine of early morning lectures but thankfully I can catch up on my sleep on most weekends. Phase 2 - I'm coming for you!

Bye for now :)

An overview of things that will be done before Christmas!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Scary Few Days

As everyone probably knows by now, I have a 10 year old beagle named Daisy. I've always been thankful for her good health as beagles are usually pretty hardy. Other than a minor ear and bladder infection years ago and some recent aging-related back pain, she rarely sees her vet other than for her routine vaccines. That being said, I guess I can't complain about it taking 10 years before I had to pay a $1200 vet bill ....let me explain.

Last week I was doing my regular volunteer shift at the animal hospital when my mom called to tell me Daisy had collapsed after stumbling around a bit. She had peed and pooped while she was lying on the floor, so we all immediately thought she had a seizure (we're still not sure if she did, since no one actually saw it happen). As upset as I was that I wasn't home, I was sooo thankful that my family was. I don't even want to think about her lying on the floor alone :'(

I rushed home and when I walked in the house, she wagged her tail but couldn't even lift her head. Her breathing was laboured and although she had a good menace response (for non-vet students:, she wasn't blinking like normal. I wrapped her in a blanket and we rushed her to the vet. Side note - I used to volunteer for this vet and he is one of my favourite people - he also wrote one of my references for vet school :)

On the way there, I was of course thinking of the worst case scenarios. If I had an epileptic dog I wasn't sure if it was worth having her on meds for the rest of her life when she was already getting up there in age. What would her quality of life be like? Would she be happy? Would I be able to go to class and leave her home alone without something happening? It was the strangest mix of emotions because as I was sitting in the car crying, I was also trying to think logically. The clash of pet owner and vet student was pretty weird and confusing.

The vet was immediately concerned about her breathing so he did chest rads and then called me in to look at them. I was still upset but being a part of the diagnostic process was awesome. He thought her heart looked a little big - I thought so as well, despite my limited radiology experience - but her lungs looked fine. He sent the rads off for a specialist's report and told us to go home and leave Daisy to get fluids and a full blood panel. A few hours later he called me saying fluids were definitely helping, the radiologist report didn't reveal much that was concerning, but her blood results showed messed up electrolytes and elevated kidney values. When we brought her home 5 hours later she was much perkier but I was still thinking the worst - kidney failure. The vet said that was unlikely since she would have been losing weight rapidly - and her weight hadn't changed at all since her last exam. She should have also had a very decreased appetite, and with her being a beagle we definitely didn't have a problem with that. I was instructed to bring her back in the morning with a pee sample.

After a restless night (for me - I slept on the couch beside her while she snored away all night), I collected a sample and immediately thought there was blood in it. The vet confirmed that and also said it was loaded with rods (bacteria) - finally we had somewhat of a diagnosis = kidney infection. They sent the urine for culture and we're still waiting for the final results, but in the meantime Daisy has been on antibiotics and was pretty much back to her normal self within 24 hours.

Talk about a whirlwind of emotions! I am so thankful for my amazing vet and how he involved me in the process. He knew that although I was extremely worried. the vet student side of me wanted to know everything that was happening. It was scary and inspiring at the same time. It also showed me the ups and downs of diagnostics - the rads we did ended up being pretty much useless (slightly enlarged heart was probably just due to aging), but we had to do them because of her laboured breathing. Thankfully my little girl is doing great and will be coming to school with me in a few weeks, and in the mean time I'm going to focus on the fact that in a few years I am going to be able to make many people and animals as happy as my vet made us this week :)

PS - one week til Phase 2 begins!!!! :)

My little trooper looking stylish in her vet wrap :)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Summer Update and Unexpected Inspiration

Helloooo! Long time no post!

WOW, this has without a doubt been the fastest summer of my life. Working, volunteering, catching up on sleep, and catching up with friends have been interrupted with bouts of boredom - I really don't know what to do with myself when I'm not in school. I know, spoken like a true vet student ;)

The reason I wanted to post this was because my fiance and I just got back from a week in Cayo Coco, Cuba. It was our second time going and it's weird to think about because the last time we went I had just found out that I was rejected from my first application to OVC. It's crazy how much things can change in 2 years!

We had an awesome week and I also had a bit of unexpected inspiration. There are always stray animals around the resorts in Cuba; last time we went there were a bunch of cats. It's bittersweet because they're always cute and friendly and get fed by the vacationers and employees at the resorts, but I know that they're not receiving vet care and aren't spayed and neutered so they're reproducing way too often.

When we got to the resort this time we saw a cat right away (a black and white one, my favourite :) ) and I knew there had to be more than one. One night we were going to dinner and the cutie was following us, right up until we reached the door. She stopped and started meowing/howling like crazy and a while later we looked out the window and saw 3 babies on the roof! I got way too excited and my inner crazy animal lady came out. We spent the rest of the week stalking them ;)

On another night we were leaving the beach in the evening and I spotted 2 stray dogs. Now I love all animals, but I am 110% a dog person. They were on the outskirts of the resort so they were much skinnier than the cats since they weren't getting meals from the people on the resort. They were hanging around the beach restaurant so I'm hoping they're used to getting some scraps from there. I wasn't sure if they would be friendly but they ran right over, tails wagging like crazy :) The female sat beside me and enjoyed lots of pets while she looked at me with the saddest puppy dog eyes. As if that didn't make me emotional enough, she then put her paw in my lap and it took all of my strength not to smuggle her into Canada immediately <3

It was perfect timing. I've been ready to go back to school for awhile now and just as I'm getting back into that vet student mindset, I see these sweet animals and remember just why I'm doing what I'm doing. There is no doubt in my mind that this is where I am meant to be, and the fact that I have not stopped thinking about those dogs since last week just reaffirms that. I can't wait to be able to actually help all of these creatures that can't help themselves. Bring on second year!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

I survived!

Goodbyyyeee first year!

It feels crazy to write that, especially since I remember writing my first blog post when I moved here in September, and that does notttt feel like 8 months ago!

Since my last post we wrote another 6 exams, the dreaded genetics one wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Goodbye forever genetics! It's always been one of my least favourite classes and I took way too many of them in undergrad. On Monday we wrote the intense 3 hour/3 course exam which was basically a marathon, I had to pee halfway through but didn't want to waste 5 minutes so I pushed through!

After we finished our last one on Thursday, my group went out for lunch and then had a night of celebrations. For the first time in who knows how long, I went out 2 nights in a row because the OVC fraternity had a toga party so I obviously had to go! Matt came down for that one and it was a great night. I'll post some pictures below if I can find some tame ones - we may be hard workers, but vet students still know how to party!

Today I packed up my apartment (packing is the worsssttt). I'm looking forward to going home and seeing my friends and family - and Daisy!! I haven't been away from her for this long since I've had her - but I'm not excited at all about having to live at home for 4 months. I'm meant to live on my own! But I will take advantage of not having to pay rent or buy groceries or cook all of my meals :)

I doubt I'll post much over the summer because I want to keep this as a vet school blog, not a super personal one. But I'll probably post some highlights :) Matt and I are planning a tropical vacay of some sort, but other than that I'll be working, volunteering at the vet clinic and doing a whoooole lot of sleeping.

So excited to be 25% of a vet!

Wedding dress fitting? Isn't that my job?

Group 9 aka the best group!